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Third Straight Year TRS Finances Improved; State FY25 Contribution to Increase by 2.7%

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SPRINGFIELD, IL – For the third straight year, the long-term funded ratio of Teachers’ Retirement System has improved, reaching 44.8% at the end of fiscal year 2023. That is a positive increase of 1% over the previous year’s funded status of 43.8%.

The TRS Board of Trustees gave preliminary approval to a $6.20 billion state government contribution for the System in fiscal year 2025. That is a 2.7% increase over the state’s $6.04 billion contribution for the current fiscal year.

Ghiané Jones Named Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Teachers’ Retirement System

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Ghiané JonesSPRINGFIELD, IL – The Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) has named Ghiané Jones as its deputy chief investment officer effective October 10.

The role is an important new addition to the TRS investment leadership team. Jones, who lives in Chicago, will be based in and manage TRS’s newly established Chicago office.

TRS Seeks Regional and Country Specific Managers for Public International Equity

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SPRINGFIELD, IL – TRS is seeking one or more active investment managers to manage international regional and country specific equity strategies for a portion of the System’s approximately $22 billion public equity portfolio.

Information on the regional and country strategies being considered is posted on the TRS website at:

TRS Commits $275 Million to Investment Opportunities

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SPRINGFIELD, IL – The Teachers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees made $275 million in investment commitments from mid-May to mid-July 2023.

The System committed $175 million to three private equity opportunities and $100 million to an opportunity in the Diversifying Strategies Portfolio. The following specific investment actions were presented to the trustees during its regularly scheduled August meeting:

TRS Retains RVK, Inc. as General Investment Consultant

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SPRINGFIELD, IL – Teachers’ Retirement System has retained RVK, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, as the System’s general investment consultant to help TRS make prudent money management decisions for the system’s $64.8 billion portfolio.

Following a competitive selection process, RVK was awarded a five-year consultant contract, the maximum under state law. RVK has been the System’s general consultant since 2006.