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TRS Approves $5.9 Billion State Contribution for Fiscal Year 2023

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SPRINGFIELD, IL – The TRS Board of Trustees has given final approval to a fiscal year 2023 state government contribution to TRS of $5.89 billion. 

The TRS Board is required each year to calculate and certify the state’s annual contribution to the System for the next fiscal year. A preliminary contribution calculated in October was reviewed by the State Actuary, Cheiron, Inc., of McLean, Virginia, prior to final approval by TRS. The certified contribution is now forwarded to state officials for inclusion in the FY 2023 state budget. 

TRS Actuarial Review Shows Improvement in Long-term Finances; State Contribution to Increase by 4%

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SPRINGFIELD, IL –The long-term funded ratio of Teachers’ Retirement System improved slightly during fiscal year 2021 to 42.5 percent after several years of hovering at 40 percent.

And the TRS Board of Trustees approved a state government contribution for the System of $5.89 billion for FY 2023, a 4 percent increase over the state’s $5.69 billion contribution for the current fiscal year.

TRS Engages Consultant to Assist in Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion Efforts in Investments

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SPRINGFIELD, IL – Teachers’ Retirement System has engaged Lenox Park Solutions, of Austin, Texas, to help develop a standardized metric scoring tool for diversity, equity and inclusion when analyzing potential investment opportunities and monitoring existing relationships.

Founded in 2010, Lenox Park provides diversity consulting services for numerous institutional investors, businesses and money managers.

TRS Board President's Message for Fiscal Year 2021

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Dear Members and Stakeholders:

On behalf of the staff and trustees of Teachers’ Retirement System, I am pleased to report that fiscal year 2021 was nothing short of a renaissance for ITRS.

I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished together in an unprecedented environment forced on us by the COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with extraordinary challenges, ITRS not only stood up to adversity; it thrived and exceeded all expectations.