Gift Ban Notice: All prospective and current vendors of the System are prohibited by State of Illinois gift ban law and TRS ethics policies from offering or making a gift to TRS employees or trustees. Please refrain from offering or sending any gifts, even of nominal value, to the System or any of its employees or trustees. We appreciate your strict cooperation with the gift ban.
Request for Proposals
Private Equity Co-Investment Consulting Services
March 19, 2025
The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (the System or TRS) is requesting proposals from firms that provide private equity co-investment consulting services to serve in a non-exclusive engagement as part of a pool of possibly two to three consultants for underwriting the system’s co-investment transactions. The objective of this Request for Proposal is to solicit competitive proposals from qualified firms in sufficient detail to permit objective evaluation of all proposals which may result in a contract to provide co-investment consulting services to the Teachers’ Retirement System primarily in the private equity asset class but may also be utilized for an engagement in other types of consulting services for the private equity such as re-underwriting investment managers of certain sub asset classes such as venture capital, in parallel with the System’s assessment on those managers.
TRS is committed to increasing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in all aspects of its utilization of vendors to provide goods and services to the System, to the greatest extent feasible, and within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence. To that end, the System strongly encourages qualified minority, female, disabled, and veteran-owned firms to submit proposals to this RFP.
A proposer's preparation and submittal of a proposal or subsequent participation in presentations or contract negotiations creates no obligation on the System to award a contract or to pay any associated costs. All proposals and related materials will be retained by the System and will be subject to disclosure as required in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
The proposal packet is available below. Proposals should be in an Adobe Acrobat format and should be emailed to Holly Walton at Subject must contain Response to Request for Proposals for Private Equity Co-Investment Consulting Services– Name of Responder. All proposals must be received no later than 2 p.m. CDT on April 16, 2025. Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered. TRS will publicly open and announce the names of the proposers immediately after the above-specified deadline. TRS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to waive any irregularity in the Request for Proposal process.