The Social Security Protection Act of 2004 requires employers to provide a written notice to new employees not covered by Social Security who begin work on or after January 1, 2005. Please use the Social Security number as the employee's identification number. The TRS Code (TRS employer number) should be used for the employer's identification number. Social Security's website contains a page,, with information on the required notice, including how the form can be downloaded or ordered from the site.
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Chapter 6: Service Credit
Chapter 7: Optional Service Credit and Payment Options
Chapter 8: Excess Costs
Chapter 9: Member Refunds
Chapter 10: Post-Retirement Matters
Chapter 11: Retirement Benefits
Chapter 12: Disability Benefits
Chapter 13: Death Benefits
TRS Supplemental Savings Plan (SSP)
Gemini Pay-period Reporting
Annual Certification
Employer Bulletin: Instructions for Filing Annual Certification
Contribution Rates & Earnings Limitations
TRS and THIS Fund Contributions Rates & Earning Limitations
SSP Contribution Limits
Insurance Program Monthly Contribution Rates
Retirement Issues
Post-Retirement Limitations
Sick Leave Reporting
Salary Increases Over 6 Percent
Excess Sick Leave Calculator
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Social Security Notification Requirement
Social Security Notification Requirement