All times listed are Central Standard time. TRS offices are closed for all official State of Illinois holidays.
877-927-5877 (877-9-ASK-TRS)
Monday through Friday; 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m (central standard time)
When you email us, please include your full name, city and state of residence, and the last four digits of your Social Security number in your message. Please do not include confidential information in your email message since email submissions on this site are not secure.
Mail for both locations (Springfield and Lisle)
P.O. Box 19253, Springfield, IL 62794-9253
Springfield and Lisle: (217) 787-2269
Office of Legal Counsel: (217) 753-0967
Springfield Location
2815 W. Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702-3397
Lisle Location
4200 Commerce Ct., Ste. 101, Lisle, IL 60532-3611
Teachers' Retirement Insurance Program (TRIP)
My Benefits Marketplace: (844) 251-1777
Central Management Services: (217) 782-2548 or (800) 442-1300